Joined up teams improving care

Joined up teams improving care

New joined-up teams, that form part of a transformative health and social care programme being piloted in Sunderland, are getting the thumbs up from people in the city. Recently formed Community Integrated Teams (CITs), which are based in five locations across...

Wayne’s team in Washington are all ears

Social workers in Sunderland form a vital part of the new ‘community integrated teams’, helping to put the human touch into care, to ensure that some of the most vulnerable people in Sunderland are supported, receiving care where and how they want it. Working closely...

Betty benefiting from info sharing

Betty Smith* is one Sunderland resident who is receiving better care thanks to information sharing that means she only had to tell her story once, and still got care wrapped around her needs. Betty has a range of conditions including a long-term respiratory condition...
A spoon full of support for Sunderland residents

A spoon full of support for Sunderland residents

Mistaken medication and inappropriate prescriptions that can do more harm than good are being dealt with, thanks to All Together Better Sunderland. Where does pharmacy fit? A team of three pharmacists are now part of a newly introduced Recovery at Home service – one...

John’s right at home with All Together Better

Sunderland’s innovative All Together Better programme is enabling some of the poorliest people in the city to be cared for at home, rather than in hospital. Sometimes people just need a little more help than normal in the interim, perhaps if they have an infection or...