Our top ten priorities
The difference ATB will start to make in 2019/20
As our collaborative work gathers more pace in 2019/20, we hope to see these three core transformational priorities resulting in:
Measurable improvements in population health and reduced inequalities
A strengthening of general practice by enhancing community integrated teams and services built around local neighbourhoods and ‘primary care networks’
An even greater focus on supporting people to keep healthy and independent, addressing health inequalities by developing active communities and greater social prescribing which means GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals will be able to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services
People with long-term conditions – whether those are physical health, mental health or learning disability related – starting to see more joined up care and support in their own homes, GP surgery and community
Implementation of an urgent health care system that provides timely care in a crisis and delivers the best specialist care possible
A greater emphasis on recovery and rehabilitation and people being supported to live independently in the community for as long as possible
Supporting people in their choices around end of life care, resulting in people dying in their preferred place of care
Staff finding it easier to work with colleagues from other organisations to support shared health and social care priorities and remove duplication
Greater value in driving improvement across the whole health and care system by taking a more holistic view of resources across all partners and better aligning assets, budgets and staffing resources
A comprehensive system leadership approach to improving health and care services and providing high quality integrated services in the community for people across Sunderland