Vision and values

The overarching aim of All Together Better is to provide better, more efficient community-based, GP-led care using new ways of working, new technologies and improved planning in order to keep people as well as possible and out of hospital. Our vision and values are as follows:

Our vision

To deliver better health and care to the people of Sunderland by…

  • Creating a healthy city with more people living healthier, longer lives
  • Providing outstanding care – every time, for everyone and reducing inequality
  • Delivering high-quality services through effective partnerships
  • Improving system efficiency by delivering innovative, financially and clinically sustainable services

Our values


Care and support organised around the person

Outstanding, safe and compassionate care

High quality, responsive and effective community services


Working together as one team dedicated to meeting peoples’ needs

Clinical leadership guides our thinking

Listening and learning from each other


Acting with honesty and transparency

Deliver what we said we will deliver

Respect and embrace difference

Quality and safety

Quality and safety are implicit in our vision and values and our underpinning governance framework will enable quality and safety to be at the heart of everything we do.