How we work
On 1 April 2019, the All Together Better ‘Executive Group’ was established as an independent alliance to undertake, and be principally responsible for, the overall integrated delivery, performance outcomes and oversight of services in Sunderland.
It is a formally constituted group with representation from all partner organisations and has responsibility for:
- leading the strategic development of the alliance
- overseeing transformation programmes
- ensuring engagement and transparency in decision making.

Working within a jointly agreed scheme of delegation, the strategic priorities for ATB fall within four programmes which act as the implementation and delivery mechanism for the ATBA Executive Group. Each programme has a Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) and Senior Responsible Clinician (SRC) who are members of the ATB Executive Group, ensuring governance and clinical leadership at every level. The ATB Executive Group is responsible for establishing, resourcing and facilitating each programme and each programme gives recommendations to the ATB Executive Group so that all partners can assess them all on an impartial system wide basis.